Chapter 1

Becoming a designer is a journey, and like any journey, it has stages. The first stage is what I like to call the "unconscious designer" stage. At this stage, we all have creative instincts that we may not be consciously aware of. As children, we are all natural designers, but as we grow older, our education system tends to stifle our creativity.

In the "unconscious designer" stage, we have a lot to learn. It's a time for exploration and discovery. We learn by experimenting with different design concepts and techniques. It's a time to let our creativity run free and to let our imaginations take flight.

Unfortunately, many people never make it past the "unconscious designer" stage. They may have creative instincts, but they are never given the opportunity to explore and develop them. This is why it's so important to promote design awareness and encourage people to pursue creative careers.

I believe that being a designer is no less than being a scientist. Like scientists, designers are constantly exploring, experimenting, and discovering new things. They are always seeking to improve and refine their craft. Designers also have to be analytical, and they have to be able to think critically about the problems they are trying to solve.

In my upcoming blogs, I will share my design journey through the various stages of my life. I will talk about my design thinking process and the progress that I have made. I hope that you will join me on this journey and that you will share my blogs with everyone you know.

Remember, we are all designers in some way, and we all have the potential to create beautiful, meaningful things. So, let's embrace our creativity and explore the wonderful world of design together.

thank you.


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