Chapter 2 Thought process as a designer in my childhood

 Chapter 2 

   Thought process as a designer in my childhood 

Welcome back to my design journey! In this chapter, I want to talk about my thought process as a designer during my childhood.

When I was a child, I had a lot of creative instincts, but I didn't really understand what to do with them. I remember having a strong desire to become a scientist because I was always fascinated with how things worked. At the same time, I also loved drawing and sketching, and I had a natural talent for it.

Looking back, I realize that what I really wanted to do was to create things that didn't exist before. I was always coming up with ideas for new inventions or ways to improve existing products. I would sketch out my ideas and think about how they could be made into reality.

It wasn't until later in life that I realized that what I was really interested in was design. Design is the process of creating something new or improving on something that already exists. It's about problem-solving and using creativity to come up with solutions that are both functional and beautiful.

As a child, I didn't have a clear understanding of what design was, but I was already using design thinking without realizing it. I would observe the world around me and think about how things could be improved or made better. I would then use my artistic skills to sketch out my ideas and bring them to life on paper.

Looking back, I can see how my childhood thought process laid the foundation for my future as a designer. It was a time of exploration and discovery, where I was learning to think creatively and use my imagination to come up with new ideas.

In the next chapter of my journey, I will talk about how I discovered the world of design and how I pursued my passion for creating beautiful and functional things. So, stay tuned for more!


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