Chapter 13 (BTS part 2 )
Chapter 13: Behind the Scenes (BTS) - Part 2 Fast forward four years from the time I stopped writing poems. During those years, I occasionally wrote down my thoughts, but not in the form of poetry. A lot happened during that time, but that’s another story for another day. By now, my Bachelor’s degree in Applied Arts (or graphic design, as you might call it) was nearly coming to an end. With less than half a year left, I realized that although I was graduating, I wasn’t satisfied with my education. It might surprise you, but I had no knowledge of graphic design when I first started my degree. It was only as the years passed that I slowly began to learn about this field. As my graduation drew near, I was worried about my career prospects. I felt unprepared for the industry and lacked the confidence to land a decent job. I spoke with my mom and decided to prepare for a master’s degree. This was in between 2021, just after the COVID pandemic had subsided, and I was confused about my ...